Milwaukee Rehabilitation Center | Greenfield, WI
Steve was diagnosed with a stroke in early December of 2022 which left him without the ability to move his right arm or right leg and he also difficulty swallowing.
Upon entering Milwaukee Rehab Hospital, he required assistance of our rehab therapists and one of our mechanical lifts to aid in his mobility. We established a rehab plan of care and goals with him and with our intense rehab treatments of physical therapy,
occupational therapy and speech therapy,
Steve was able to improve his function of his leg by walking 25 feet with some assistance from our rehab team and our unweighting system.
Our speech therapists helped him with his dysphagia and provided him tools to use for communication and clarity in his speech. We wish you the best, Steve, in your continued progress!
Rick had a unique debilitating disease, Blastomycosis - a rare fungal infection, typically found by breathing in spores found in moist soils, particularly in wooded areas or waterways. Prior to this infection, he was quite healthy and enjoyed weekend visits to his cabin up north and managing his own business.
When Rick arrived at our rehab hospital, the use of his extremities was very limited from challenges in drinking or eating to moving his legs.
Rick says what helped him the most from the intense physical rehab was the support he felt from the therapy team. ‘Even when I was just taking a couple of steps with my walker, they were clapping for me.
He shared that while the rehab was intense and the therapy gym was fantastic with different exercises every day but you control your own progress by ‘what you put into it’. Rick achieved his goals and plan of care which facilitated returning to his home and having enough strength and stability to walk on his own, drive independently and cook his own food and best of all even take his German Shepherd on short walks!
He commended Milwaukee Rehab the nursing staff, therapists, cleaning crew, cooks and the leadership team to his rehab experience and successful outcome